Festive Update

Impact’s Festive Update

Happy Holidays

With just a couple of days before the Impact team finish for the year and for a much needed rest over the festive period, we have a few notes and suggestions that we hope you will find useful and informative.

Congratulate Yourself

It hasn’t been an easy year.

We have all struggled at some point with a mix of emotions like fear, uncertainty, sadness, anxiety and frustration, to name but a few. Emotions born out of a situation that we have had no control over.

For 10 months we have done the best we can with the strengths and knowledge we have to help ourselves and our friends and family, manage heightened emotions and get through these frightening and unprecedented times.

So, as we move into this festive and hopefully restful period, a time of sharing love, happiness, joy and peace, let us take some time to consciously congratulate ourselves for getting through a journey we have been forced to travel this year.

Congratulating ourselves may take more than a simple self-pat on the shoulder and a flippant ‘well done you’ to feel a sense of achievement and peace.

Here are a few suggestions to help you and your loved ones move into this festive period as 2020 comes to an end and we reflect on the challenges we have overcome.

Write It Down

Take a moment to consider some of the specific challenges you have encountered this year as a result of Covid-19. Choose two or three that you feel affected you the most from your list and note them down, then consider in what ways did you help yourself manage those times/events/situations?

Jot down whatever comes to mind, it doesn’t matter if its one word, a sentence or a long paragraph. The important point here is to recognise how you helped yourself.

Share & Declare

Carefully choose from friends, colleagues and family – or a mixture of all! Agree to talk about the difficult times you have all been through but without being negative – it’s a challenge – try not to compare your experiences with others, we all experience situations differently.

You might want to discuss who of you have turned to social media in the past to share your challenges? The purpose of this activity is to recognise those moments when you want to be negative and to ‘flip’ the negativity with how you overcome the difficulty. This really helps us to self-congratulate ourselves!

Creative Self-Care

If writing or talking about the challenges of 2020 is difficult or uncomfortable for you, why not get creative?

Creativity has no rules, so do what feels good for you! Get creative to demonstrate how you feel about getting through the year.

Paint, draw, colour, knit, cook, sculpt, whatever works for you will work to serve as your thank you for making it through the year. Don’t forget to sign it from you, to you 😊

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