Feel Good Fridays For 2024

If you have completed a course with Impact, you are very much welcome to join us for one or all of this year’s Feel Good Friday events. 

Feel Good Friday is an opportunity to stay in touch with Impact and the people you know from the courses you have attended, as well as continue to learn new ways in which to manage your health and well-being.

The sessions are very relaxed – as those of you who have attended can vouch for! However, if there are specific topics you think might be useful to discuss, or you would like the Impact team to research, let us know in the registration form below.

Don’t forget you will need to re-register to access the Zoom sessions starting at 10.30 for a couple of hours on the last Friday of each month.

A new year has started, and it’s time to prioritise your well-being.

Impact is here to support and share why putting your well-being needs first this year will be your greatest and healthiest decision.

January is packed with our free, live online courses, and open for enrolment. 

We are all set to help enable, empower, and educate every person prioritising their well-being.

Here’s what you can expect from the Impact team this month…

YOUR Choice starting Wednesday 10th January offers a relaxed health and well-being, science-backed informative four-week course. 

This course is suitable for those who have completed one of our shorter courses but can also benefit those who know a little about self-care and well-being activities.

If you would like to chat with Jackie, the course facilitator before registering for this course, feel free to get in touch.

Unlock Menopause starts Tuesday 16th January for three weeks and for the women struggling with this changing time, this course will help to shift mindsets and some of the preconceived expectations, along with plenty of practical information to manage our changing bodies and minds.

Please contact Deanne, the course facilitator, for more information.

Mind Time is a two-evening course starting on Tuesday 30th January. 

This is a course suitable for those time-strapped people happy to learn a great deal about how to better manage unhelpful thoughts and emotions, in a short amount of time and willing to help themselves take the first step. 

This course includes a scheduled one-to-one support session within two weeks of the course ending.

Please contact Deanne or Jackie for more details.

My family and friends noticed this buzz in me…

We always love to hear from learners who have attended our courses and how their mental health and wellbeing has improved since taking on the practices we teach. We thank them for sharing their personal journey.

Image of a person navigating a maze on a beach

I have struggled with anxiety since I was 12yrs old, I didn’t label it back then as anxiety it was diagnosed as claustrophobia due to me panicking in classrooms, assemblies or when I was stuck in specific places.

I didn’t tell a soul at the time but some awful things had happened to me at home for four years that my young brain couldn’t compute. It led to a fear of being stuck somewhere and not being able to escape places without being noticed, and an intense feeling of fear sometimes out of nowhere.

I dealt with it through my teens and 20s by basically going off the rails without a care in the world, I had a lot of anger so I moved myself out of the family home and into a hostel while my Parents were on holiday, but throughout this time I was always putting myself in some form of therapy whether it was through the NHS or private, I knew I needed help. I didn’t tell any of the therapists about those 4 years of hell in my own home, I hadn’t told anyone.

I eventually did tell my parents in my late 20s and it broke them, we eventually found out it wasn’t just me it had been happening to.

I felt better for a short time because I had let it out. I continued seeing all types of therapists and I would start the sessions with This is what happened but I dont want to go into that I just want some guidance so I can move forward I was always told I had to go through the whole story to be able to move forward; that was by every therapist over the next 10-15yrs. After every course of therapy finished I felt more broken than I did before, I did learn little bits from each one but not enough to help me move forward.

My next strategy was to not tell them what had happened because then they wouldn’t focus on it and they would just concentrate on helping me move forward, but this led to them always trying to find that thing that started it all so I gave up hope, I was done, my only hope was to go back to my GP, I told him I cant go on Ive tried everything possible, used every penny of my savings and Im worse than I have ever have been.

We had tried most anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications, he had hit a brick wall too so referred me to a local mental health clinic. In the meantime I listened to self help books, ate well, avoided caffeine and everything else to keep that feeling away. I was rarely leaving the house to avoid that fear.
After seeing a Psychiatrist I was put on some medication and referred to help in the community, the next day I was contacted by a Social Prescriber who told me about Impact Mental Health Services she explained it is run by people who have a lot of knowledge about mental health and they have had their own struggles, it sounded good, and different so I signed up and started almost instantly.

I remember saying to my partner the evening before it started I hope this isn’t going to set me back any further because I just can’t.

I started with the Your Choice Programme where I was introduced to Jackie. A few other members were in the group which would normally be quite scary for me but Jackie had such a lovely way about her that I felt at ease within a short space of time. As the course went on there were so many Aha and wow its me moments that I was instantly hooked on what I was being taught and was quickly filling up my notebook with helpful tips and recommendations. I hadn’t had this type of help over the years, everything else was pretty much text book whereas this was basically how to help yourself manage day to day mental health problems – predominantly anxiety and depression. You could also share your struggles without any judgement and sometimes other group members would share their insights too, it was a really safe space.

Impact opened my eyes to the fact that everything I was feeling other people have or were feeling too, I wasn’t alone and there is a way to manage these thoughts and sensations that have taken over my life for years and years. The best thing was I didn’t need to pour my heart and go over my past. Everything was concentrating on moving forward, helping ourselves and teaching us how we can change our thought processes, but also giving ourselves a break while going through these challenges.

I was definitely hooked on all the information shared and it made me want more!

My family and friends noticed this buzz in me and a lift in my mood, but mainly that I was more optimistic about the future.

I went on to do the You Programme which enlightened me even more, I met Deanne and more people who were each having their own issues.

I have left Impact with a whole lot of knowledge, advice, positivity, hope, comfort and such a good feeling about my future. I know I need to put in the work to get to where I want to be but I also know I WILL get there.

What happened in the past happened, I cant change it, I cant wipe my mind clear, I will live with it forever, but I know I definitely wont let it define my life. I can do so much to help myself move forward, build new habits that will help me, instead of the avoidance habits I thought were protecting me. I know it will take time and wont be easy but I know what needs to be done, and when those days pop up that I cant face things I will give myself a break and then get back on track.

I do wish I had known about Impact years ago so I could have avoided unnecessary therapies and being taken in by miracle cures advertised online, but I am also grateful I was referred to them when I was.

I have just finished the Unlock Menopause Programme with Impact as I feel that stage of my life is quickly approaching and I want to be ready for it. I saw Peri-Menopause/Menopause as another thing to dread but it really isn’t. It’s another stage of my life that can be managed and doesn’t need to be looked at negatively.

I think from what I have learned from the Your choice and You programme it has taught me a different way of seeing and thinking about things which will definitely help going forward into this next stage of my life.

I would recommend Impact even to people who dont have struggles, the insight you get is invaluable. I can also take what I have learned and help my kids if they struggle with anything through their journey of life, and thats due to Impact.

I will be forever grateful for that referral and for the ladies at Impact.

An Impact Learner

Last Few Courses For 2023

Our last few mental health and wellbeing courses for December 2023 are now open for referral and enrolment, and as always are free of charge to anyone who works in or is a resident of Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough.

If you would like to refer someone, please feel free to use our referral form.

Alternatively if you would like to know more and would like to speak to a member of our team, please get it touch or call us on 07779 086740.

Would you like some leaflets for our courses? Let us know and we’ll be happy to send them out to you as soon as possible.

Impact Mental Health’s mental wellbeing courses offer a transformative journey towards holistic wellness, providing participants with invaluable tools and insights to enhance their mental health.

One of the primary benefits of attending these courses is the expert guidance provided by seasoned mental health professionals. The courses are crafted by specialists who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, ensuring that participants receive accurate information and evidence-based strategies to navigate the complexities of mental health.

A key advantage is the comprehensive nature of the courses, addressing various aspects of mental wellbeing. Participants gain a deep understanding of factors influencing mental health, including stressors, coping mechanisms, and resilience-building techniques. The courses go beyond mere theoretical knowledge, incorporating practical exercises and real-life scenarios to reinforce learning. This experiential approach enables individuals to apply the lessons directly to their lives, fostering lasting positive changes.

Moreover, Impact Mental Health’s courses emphasize a personalized approach, recognizing that mental health is a unique and individual experience. Participants learn to identify and tailor strategies that work best for them, promoting a sense of empowerment and self-efficacy in managing their mental health. The courses also create a supportive community where individuals can share their experiences and learn from one another, fostering a sense of belonging and reducing the stigma often associated with mental health challenges.

Feel Good Friday 1st December

If you have a bit of time, why not drop into our last Feel Good Friday session for 2023, on Friday 1st December between 10.30 and 12.30!

For five minutes or for the full two hours, it’s an opportunity to touch base with Impact in a very relaxed Zoom environment.

Bring your mince pies, coffee and a smile.

The Impact Team will be there continuing to support, chat, enlighten and help you get yourself ready for the festive period ðŸ™‚

Follow this link to register, and we’ll see you there!

If you registered for Feel Good Friday before, you’ll need to register again, I’m afraid, but it literally only takes a moment.

Best wishes,

Déanne, Jackie & The Impact Team

A Recent Learner’s Mental Health Improvement

We recently received this lovely email from someone who recently attended one of our mental health and wellbeing courses and will be joining us on a new course very soon. They’ve kindly allowed us to share this with you.

Image of a man standing on top of a mountain

During my recent Impact Mental Health course journey I met some fabulous people who I’m still in contact with.

I also rejoined slimming world and am part of a group where peer support is so important and I’m making friends there.

I also began learning Spanish with Duolingo and am now on a 50 day streak. I know my brain thanks me for this new exciting information. I’ve downloaded a Spanish keyboard to my phone.😀

I now go on three walks a week, sometimes not too far but also pushing myself within my physical capability.

I’m eating 3 healthy meals a day and cooking from scratch. I use a food diary every day.

I talk to myself out loud if I am becoming unmotivated.

I tell myself people are `doing the best they can’, which adds more compassion to my responses when in challenging situations.

I know I am worthy of love, and of loving relationships.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all during the next course. Learning is something I enjoy, I’d just forgotten.

A Recent Impact Learner

Latest Courses

Starts 06 August, 2024

Mind Time – August 2024 IM240101

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The information packed Mind Time Course is designed to educate, support and empower people to immediately start to work on understanding & improving their mental wellbeing, and is delivered over two evenings. This is a fantastic course on its own for time-strapped people looking to make instant change to their wellbeing, or as a taster course before joining us on one of our longer day time courses. This course offers a free One-to-One session after course completion Dates Tuesday 6th Aug, 2024 Wednesday 7th Aug, 2024 Times for each session 6.30 to 9.30pm Delivered live online using Zoom

Starts 10 August, 2024

WKND Unlock Menopause – Aug 2024 IM240102

Enrol Or Login

The WKND Unlock Menopause Course has been designed for busy women unable to join us on our regular courses. Our aim is to support, inform and educate those who want to have a better understanding of what is happening to their bodies and minds, whilst learning what can be done to ease some of the more common symptoms associated with Menopause. This Weekend Course offers Two optional 1:1 Support Sessions on completion of the course. Day 1 – Saturday 10th Aug, 2024 Day 2 – Sunday 11th Aug, 2024 Time for each session 9:30am – 3:30pm Delivered live online using Zoom

Starts 03 September, 2024

YOU Programme – Sept 2024 IM240201

Enrol Or Login

The YOU Programme can be an important first step to feeling better, improving your mental health and wellbeing and getting your life back on track through supporting education, peer empowerment and learning how to manage uncomfortable thoughts, emotions and behaviours. Day 1 – Tuesday 3rd Sept, 2024 Day 2 – Thursday 5th Sept, 2024 Day 3 – Tuesday 10th Sept, 2024 Day 4 – Thursday 12th Sept, 2024 Time for each session 9:30am – 2:30pm Delivered live online using Zoom and with lots of breaks.

Starts 03 September, 2024

Mind Time – September 2024 IM240202

Enrol Or Login

The information packed Mind Time Course is designed to educate, support and empower people to immediately start to work on understanding & improving their mental wellbeing, and is delivered over two evenings. This is a fantastic course on its own for time-strapped people looking to make instant change to their wellbeing, or as a taster course before joining us on one of our longer day time courses. This course offers a free One-to-One session after course completion Dates Tuesday 3rd Sept 2024 Wednesday 4th Sept, 2024 Times for each session 6.30 to 9.30pm Delivered live online using Zoom

Starts 18 September, 2024

YOUR Choice – Sept 2024 IM240203

Enrol Or Login

Impact’s 4 week, 8 sessions mental well-being programme – YOUR Choice. An inspiring, empowering and educational wellbeing course, helping you to understand and learn what you can do to help yourself manage your mind, your emotions and build total wellbeing resilience for the future. If you feel you need to make some important changes to have the kind of life you really want, this course is for you. Delivered each Wednesday & Thursday for 8 sessions on the following days: Day 1 Wednesday 18th Sept, 2024 Day 2 Thursday 19th Sept, 2024 Day 3 Wednesday 25th Sept, 2024 Day 4 Thursday 26th Sept, 2024 Day 5 Wednesday 2rd Oct, 2024 Day 6 Thursday 3rd Oct, 2024 Day 7 Wednesday 9th Oct. 2024 Day 8 Thursday 10th Oct, 2024 Time for each session 9:30am – 2:30pm with plenty of breaks! Delivered live online using Zoom

Starts 19 November, 2024

Unlock Menopause – Nov 2024 IM240403

Enrol Or Login

The Unlock Menopause Course has been designed by people who have been through, are going through, or have just begun their unique journey with Menopause. Our aim is to support, inform and educate those who want to have a better understanding of what is happening to their bodies and minds, whilst learning what can be done to ease some of the more common symptoms associated with Menopause. Day 1 – Tuesday 19th Nov, 2024 Day 2 – Thursday 21st Nov, 2024 Day 3 – Tuesday 26th Nov, 2024 Day 4 – Thursday 28th Nov, 2024 Day 5 – Tuesday 3rd Dec, 2024 Day 6 – Thursday 5th Dec, 2024 Time for each session 9:30am – 2:30pm Delivered live online using Zoom

A brand new mental health & wellbeing course

This is a brand new course and is is a powerful Mind Management journey, exploring many areas in support of creating healthier mental wellbeing, backed up by science to support effective change in the management of your thoughts & emotions.

How will it help?

You will learn how to use, regain and build on the strengths you already have to better manage how you feel, how you behave and what you think. This course will help you introduce new ways of managing your mind and improve the quality of your total health and wellbeing.


Understand & manage negative thoughts, feelings & behaviours

Greater knowledge of how to change for healthier habits

A wealth of wellbeing practices to help you immediately

Increased confidence, self-esteem & self-worth

A more rational and calmer approach to stressful situations

Better quality of sleep

Improved quality of living, joy, hope & happiness

Enrolment is now open for the first courses starting September 13th 2023, so enrol now.

Mental Health Wellbeing Courses For Autumn 2023

Registration is now open for our Free Wellbeing Courses!

Stylised image of a man's head showing flowers

Impact will be back at the end of August with the first of our autumn courses.

Whether you are referring people to us, or you would like to join us in autumn, we have courses to help everyone.

Here’s a look at all of our courses and some changes and improvements we have made…

Mind Time Evening Course is now delivered over two evenings with empowering information and plenty of wellbeing practices to help immediately start to reduce unhelpful thoughts and emotions. A great introduction to wellbeing for people busy during the day time.

Unlock Menopause is delivered over six days and enables women to better understand this transitional time, and importantly what we could do to help ourselves better manage our changing bodies and our emotions.

YOUR Choice is a new course that replaces the nine week Your Recovery Pathways. 

Delivered two days a week over 4 weeks, YOUR Choice will support, empower and educate people using the mind management model to make better sense of their mental wellbeing, and learn how to effectively use tried and tested wellbeing techniques to improve emotional and mental health.

Good news for anyone who has attended Your Recovery Pathways in the past, if you would like to, you are now warmly invited to register for the new YOUR Choice!

The YOU Programme continues to be delivered for two days over two weeks and remains our flagship introduction course to help people begin to understand the mind management model whilst learning what activities and practices they can do to begin the process of feeling better, mentally and emotionally. 

All of our courses remain free of charge to residents in Central Bedfordshire and Bedford, and continue online with Zoom.

Registration is now open for our autumn courses, with more courses being added to our online course calendar in the next couple of weeks.

If you would like to know more about our courses, how we teach and measure wellbeing, please get in touch to speak to one of our team. 

We are also happy to attend online team meetings to answer any questions and demonstrate how to refer people to us.

Course Calendar

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  • Mind Time
  • Unlock Menopause
  • YOU Programme
  • YOUR Choice
Starts 06 August, 2024

Mind Time – August 2024 IM240101

Enrol Or Login

The information packed Mind Time Course is designed to educate, support and empower people to immediately start to work on understanding & improving their mental wellbeing, and is delivered over two evenings. This is a fantastic course on its own for time-strapped people looking to make instant change to their wellbeing, or as a taster course before joining us on one of our longer day time courses. This course offers a free One-to-One session after course completion Dates Tuesday 6th Aug, 2024 Wednesday 7th Aug, 2024 Times for each session 6.30 to 9.30pm Delivered live online using Zoom

Starts 10 August, 2024

WKND Unlock Menopause – Aug 2024 IM240102

Enrol Or Login

The WKND Unlock Menopause Course has been designed for busy women unable to join us on our regular courses. Our aim is to support, inform and educate those who want to have a better understanding of what is happening to their bodies and minds, whilst learning what can be done to ease some of the more common symptoms associated with Menopause. This Weekend Course offers Two optional 1:1 Support Sessions on completion of the course. Day 1 – Saturday 10th Aug, 2024 Day 2 – Sunday 11th Aug, 2024 Time for each session 9:30am – 3:30pm Delivered live online using Zoom

Starts 03 September, 2024

YOU Programme – Sept 2024 IM240201

Enrol Or Login

The YOU Programme can be an important first step to feeling better, improving your mental health and wellbeing and getting your life back on track through supporting education, peer empowerment and learning how to manage uncomfortable thoughts, emotions and behaviours. Day 1 – Tuesday 3rd Sept, 2024 Day 2 – Thursday 5th Sept, 2024 Day 3 – Tuesday 10th Sept, 2024 Day 4 – Thursday 12th Sept, 2024 Time for each session 9:30am – 2:30pm Delivered live online using Zoom and with lots of breaks.

Starts 03 September, 2024

Mind Time – September 2024 IM240202

Enrol Or Login

The information packed Mind Time Course is designed to educate, support and empower people to immediately start to work on understanding & improving their mental wellbeing, and is delivered over two evenings. This is a fantastic course on its own for time-strapped people looking to make instant change to their wellbeing, or as a taster course before joining us on one of our longer day time courses. This course offers a free One-to-One session after course completion Dates Tuesday 3rd Sept 2024 Wednesday 4th Sept, 2024 Times for each session 6.30 to 9.30pm Delivered live online using Zoom

Starts 18 September, 2024

YOUR Choice – Sept 2024 IM240203

Enrol Or Login

Impact’s 4 week, 8 sessions mental well-being programme – YOUR Choice. An inspiring, empowering and educational wellbeing course, helping you to understand and learn what you can do to help yourself manage your mind, your emotions and build total wellbeing resilience for the future. If you feel you need to make some important changes to have the kind of life you really want, this course is for you. Delivered each Wednesday & Thursday for 8 sessions on the following days: Day 1 Wednesday 18th Sept, 2024 Day 2 Thursday 19th Sept, 2024 Day 3 Wednesday 25th Sept, 2024 Day 4 Thursday 26th Sept, 2024 Day 5 Wednesday 2rd Oct, 2024 Day 6 Thursday 3rd Oct, 2024 Day 7 Wednesday 9th Oct. 2024 Day 8 Thursday 10th Oct, 2024 Time for each session 9:30am – 2:30pm with plenty of breaks! Delivered live online using Zoom

Starts 19 November, 2024

Unlock Menopause – Nov 2024 IM240403

Enrol Or Login

The Unlock Menopause Course has been designed by people who have been through, are going through, or have just begun their unique journey with Menopause. Our aim is to support, inform and educate those who want to have a better understanding of what is happening to their bodies and minds, whilst learning what can be done to ease some of the more common symptoms associated with Menopause. Day 1 – Tuesday 19th Nov, 2024 Day 2 – Thursday 21st Nov, 2024 Day 3 – Tuesday 26th Nov, 2024 Day 4 – Thursday 28th Nov, 2024 Day 5 – Tuesday 3rd Dec, 2024 Day 6 – Thursday 5th Dec, 2024 Time for each session 9:30am – 2:30pm Delivered live online using Zoom

Last Two Mental Wellbeing Courses Before The Summer Break

Our last two courses before we take a well earned summer break start soon!

Unlock Menopause Course Starts 11th July

The Unlock Menopause course has been designed to empower, enable and educate women who want to better understand and manage symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause.

That’s why we have designed a positive wellbeing, peer support programme on what really works to support women to understand menopause, feel empowered, build confidence and learn new wellbeing practices and strategies to start making positive changes to improve the quality of their health and their lives.

Enrolment is now open for Unlock Menopause.

Mind Time Evening Course, Starts July 18th.

Who is it for?

For anyone suffering from anxiety, depression, grief, stress or any other mental health issues who are unable to attend one of our daytime courses.

How will it help?

Through education, discussions and support to enable empowering change.

What are the benefits?

It’s relaxed, and it helps build mental resilience, self-confidence, self-compassion as well as game-changing wellbeing practices you need to put you back in control of your health, and your future.

It’s free to residents of Central Bedfordshire and Bedford.

When do the courses run?

They run over 4 evenings, 2 evenings per week, from 6.30pm to 9.30pm and are held on a Tuesday and a Wednesday evening.Enrolment is now open for Mind Time.


Alternatively, if you would like to refer someone there are several ways you can do that either

All our courses are held online using Zoom and are free to residents of Central Bedfordshire & Bedford Borough.

If you need any leaflets that cover all of our courses, please let us know and we’ll send them over to you.

The Last Your Recovery Pathways

Here It Is & We have Four Spaces Left!

Our Very Last YOUR Recovery Pathways, 9-week course. Starting this Wednesday 24th May.

Mental Health Graphic

A Big & Beautiful Beast of a wellbeing programme that has successfully supported hundreds of people over the 6 years we have been delivering this course in the community, and more recently, live online. 

Education and Mental Wellbeing Support that has helped so many people change their lives around, better manage stress, depression, bereavement and anxiety, along with empowering people to take courageous steps onto new paths and begin to live more hopeful and healthier lives.

Celebrating the final Course

Because this is our last YOUR Recovery Pathways, we want to celebrate in a big way and invite you to join us on this last journey of strength-based recovery focused health & wellbeing.

To celebrate the last course, we have guest speakers in addition to new wellbeing practices and tasters of the new course content.

It’s not too late to join us for the journey…

Register with us, or if you already have an account, simply complete the enrolment forms to secure your spot.

Enrol here: YOUR Recovery Pathways

This last course is going to be incredible, inspiring and empowering!